Queensland birth, death and marriage data
We record all life events that occur in Queensland (e.g. births, deaths and marriages) and can help organisations and institutional or educational researchers:
- confirm life events
- match or cleanse databases
- conduct research and analysis.
You can get this data from us once, or on a recurring basis.
We are also the Australian Coordinating Registry (ACR) and can help you access national death data files. If you require other data from a specific state or territory outside of Queensland, contact the interstate registering authority.
The information access policy outlines the criteria we use to decide who can access our data (excludes national data).
If you are looking for demographic or population statistical information we publicly release information on the number of life events registered each year in Queensland.
Who can use this request
Only organisations and institutional or educational researchers can use this request form.
This is not the service for you if you are researching your family tree (or if you are a genealogist). We offer a free online search facility of Queensland historical indexes.
Individuals can apply online for a Queensland birth, death or marriage certificate.
Purpose of assessment
Submit this assessment request form so we can determine your requirements. We will advise if you may be eligible to receive data, and what steps you need to follow from here.
So that we can accurately assess your request, tell us specifically:
- what information or data you require
- how you plan to use it
- why you need it.
The details you provide will help us direct you to the most suitable products or services.
Tell us your Queensland data needs
What happens next
We try to help all eligible requestors obtain data for their purposes while considering privacy requirements and access principles.
Before we send you an application, we will assess your request and talk to you about the options that are suitable for your planned purposes.
After you submit this request, we’ll contact you within 10 business days to discuss how our products and services can help you and how much it may cost.
Your responsibilities
To access the data we hold, you must agree to:
- use it for the public interest—for example, in research that benefits the community or to keep your administrative records up to date
- manage the data in a way that protects people’s privacy.
Some requests may need ethics approval before you can access the data.